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We are...

We are still open regular hours for in store shopping.

Following the most recent announcement by the Ontario Government we have some important info to share & remind all of our wonderful customers of our current restrictions:

1. Masks are required to shop in store - can't wear a mask? Please consider ordering online and we happily provide curbside pick up.
2. Capacity is now reduced further to 4 customers at a time.
3. LIMIT of 1 person per household - unless the other person is a baby/small child/ren
3. If the store is at capacity please wait outside 6ft from other customers.
4. Please physically distance from other customers & staff while shopping. If staff are helping you refill something please step 6 ft away from staff. Please follow all directional arrows and distance markers.
5. Yes you can still bring your own containers but they MUST be clean & dry.

Thanks for your continued support through this trying time. We appreciate all of you.